Critical Incidents in Intercultural Communication and Promoting Diversity 

Welcome to the CIICPD project website.

During the three-year period, the project Critical Incidents in Intercultural Communication and Promoting diversity focused in particular on the critical incidents in a multicultural environment. This environment was represented both by the educational institutions participating in the project and by cooperating multicultural companies and institutions. The research was carried out in order to collect critical incidents and, based on their analysis, to propose ways how to work with critical incidents, how to eliminate their causes and how to use their positive potential for the development of personality and corporate culture. They were approached from different perspectives employing each partner expertise in different fields. Didactical models were developed and implemented into a range of subjects as a part of study programmes resulting in innovations in course syllabi and developing new updated educational and training materials to be used across the partner institutions and companies. The intellectual outputs were presented during the closing international conference "Beyond Horizons – Intersection of the Academic and Business world in the field of Culture and Diversity", organised in Mladá Boleslav.

The project "Critical Incidents in Intercultural Communication and Promoting Diversity" is funded with the support of the European Union under the programme "Erasmus+".

The website reflects only the author's view. The National Agency and the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.  

© 2021 Critical Incidents in Intercultural Communication and Promoting Diversity
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